
Steam tell me why
Steam tell me why

steam tell me why

I have the same problem, also bought the HL2 series as a bundle.

steam tell me why

Specifically in regards to Valve games, if you purchase a bundle such as the Orange Box, you will not be able to share any of the games as part of the bundle. In addition to Radhil's answer there may be another reason why you cannot share a game. (edited to include additional information from comments, thank you Keavon, Ismael Miguel, James Thorpe, & Ben Jackson) So you wouldn't be able to download or install them in the first place (checked this against The Secret World, it doesn't appear at all when the account is shared). There are some games that just can't be shared at all due to needing additional registration and accounts apart from Steam, but those will not appear in the shared library at all. When the account is free again - when that user stops playing whatever game they are in now - you will see a Play button again. When it's locked like that, it presents the "Buy" button option instead, like you saw. it will prevent you from starting any game in their library.

  • Anyone else they're sharing with has already "borrowed" a game from their account.
  • the account owner is playing any game they purchased, not just the one you want to play.
  • It counts as active if anyone is playing any game in it.

    steam tell me why

    Steam Family Sharing only allows you to play the game if the account the game is actually purchased under isn't active.

    Steam tell me why